
F’s first mediation

1. Without breaching confidentiality:

(a) How did you get this mediation?

Through linked in/ word of mouth

(b) Briefly describe the conflict.

Work place/ break down of communication between colleagues.

2. What pre-mediation information did you have?

Conversation with CEO and both parties a one hour zoom intake.

3. What pre-mediation steps did you take?

I had some key questions I asked the parties to prepare for the intake: generally What brings you to mediation? What are your goals for mediation? What changes do you want to see?

I had to find a place to hold the mediation and looked at a few different co working spaces, libraries and settled on something that was more of a relaxed atmosphere that wasn’t a board room setting ! I had to make up my mediation agreements which I got from pulling together lots of different templates and one from the resolution institute where I was accredited and then bespoke it to make it my own.

4. How did you feel the mediation itself went? 

Better than I expected! I was surprised how the parties just got talking and talking and time went so fast. We had

5. What did you wish you knew before you did the mediation?

That it wont run like you learn it in a rigid scripted facilitation model. You have to allow that you are with people and bend the script, roll with the uncertainty – you cant be to planned.To not be so prescriptive with time and to put back on the parties what they want to concentrate on more.

6. What will you do differently, or more of, as a result of your experience in this mediation?

Definitely give myself more time both for my sake and the parties. Be brave to push them in the private sessions on doubt creation.

7. What were your key learnings from this mediation?

Get us much detail up front from the senior leader/CEO/manager and spend time in the intake session. In the mediation

8. Based on your experience in this mediation, what advice would you give other new mediators going into their first mediation?

As my wonderful mentor told me. “You are not there to solve their problems. Just to facilitate a conversation!”

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