
Samantha Hardy

Adapting our box – co-designing a conflict resolution process

When mediators and coaches first learn how to mediate or coach, they are often taught a particular process with step-by-step instructions. This gives them a framework to follow as they practice and develop their skills. However, rigidly following those frameworks in the long term is likely to be problematic. Firstly, it may indicate that the practitioner […]

Adapting our box – co-designing a conflict resolution process Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook by Wendy-Ann Smith, Jonathan Passmore, Eve Turner, Yi-Ling Lai and David Clutterbuck

This just released book is an invaluable resource for all kinds of coaches. The contributors include an impressive group of coaching experts from around the world. The phrase in the subtitle “ethical maturity” has been chosen with purpose. Recent ethics coaching research reported that the number of ethical dilemmas experienced by coaches increases with years

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook by Wendy-Ann Smith, Jonathan Passmore, Eve Turner, Yi-Ling Lai and David Clutterbuck Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Empathic Accuracy by William Ickes

This book is quite old (1997) but much of its content is still relevant today. It is an edited collection written by psychological researchers exploring empathic empathy from the USA (and one author from NZ). Much of the content has been synthesized into Icke’s later book Everyday Mind Reading, but this book is worth going

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Empathic Accuracy by William Ickes Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Beyond Equity and Inclusion in Conflict Resolution by S Y Bowland, Hasshan Batts, Beth Roy and Mary Adams Trujillo

This is an incredibly powerful book, in both form and substance. I found it incredibly moving, often challenging, and sometimes very confronting. While the book is primarily situated in the USA, the stories and the messages translate into other countries such as Australia where racism, cultural dominance, and institutional oppression are equally problematic. The book’s

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Beyond Equity and Inclusion in Conflict Resolution by S Y Bowland, Hasshan Batts, Beth Roy and Mary Adams Trujillo Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Mediating High Conflict Disputes by Bill Eddy and Michael Lomax

Bill Eddy, co-founder of the High Conflict Institute, is well known for his work on managing conflict with what he calls “high conflict people” (HCPs). This book provides a range of process and intervention tips (including scripts for what to say in specific situations) to help mediators work with HCP in a range of conflict

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Mediating High Conflict Disputes by Bill Eddy and Michael Lomax Read More »