
Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Staying with Conflict by Bernard S. Mayer

With all our Conflict Leadership Group conversations about avoidance last month, I went back to this book because it has some really useful content about avoidance. Here are some of the key points about avoidance Mayer discusses in this book. People are endlessly inventive in how they avoid conflict. Sometimes avoiding conflict is wise and […]

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Staying with Conflict by Bernard S. Mayer Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Self-Determination in Mediation by Dan Simon and Tara West

This latest book by two transformative mediators provides a valuable addition to the transformative mediation bookshelf, with an in-depth look into the way that transformative mediators perceive self determination in mediation, and how they support it in practice. The book includes many case studies to demonstrate how this underlying principle works in various situations, including

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Self-Determination in Mediation by Dan Simon and Tara West Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: An Emotional Dictionary by Susie Dent

This book is a very similar book to another book I reviewed recently, The Book of Human Emotions by Tiffany Watt Smith. Like that book, this is a dictionary of emotions, with entries in alphabetical order, and includes all kinds of emotions terms from the distant past to the present day, and from many different

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: An Emotional Dictionary by Susie Dent Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Upside of Uncertainty by Nathan Furr and Susannah Harmon Furr

In my book Conflict Coaching Fundamentals: Working with conflict stories, I explain how one of the important shifts that people need to make in order to develop a constructive mindset towards conflict is the shift from certainty to uncertainty. The challenge is that uncertainty is an uncomfortable place to be, and certainty is comfortable, even

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Upside of Uncertainty by Nathan Furr and Susannah Harmon Furr Read More »

Reflecting back emotions – questioning some assumptions

One of the core techniques we are taught as mediators and coaches is that when a person expresses their emotions (either directly or indirectly) we should “reflect them back”. Reflecting back a person’s emotions is supposedly helpful for showing that you understand how the person is feeling, validating the person’s emotional response, building rapport, demonstrating

Reflecting back emotions – questioning some assumptions Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Power of Regret by Daniel H. Pink

Regret. We’ve all experienced it. It’s not what you’d call a pleasant emotion. It also tends to promote rumination and going over and over what we wished we had done differently. This is a similar process of counterfactual thinking that is common with other emotions such as guilt and shame. For people who work in

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Power of Regret by Daniel H. Pink Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Emotional Success by David DeSteno

As I was researching for our new Working With Emotions in Conflict online course, DeSteno’s name kept coming up in relation to the importance of emotions, and especially social emotions, for success. David DeSteno writes a lot on the concept of intertemporal choice (I wrote about this concept in conflict in one of my LinkedIn

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Emotional Success by David DeSteno Read More »