
Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: On Being Certain by Robert A. Burton

People in conflict often suffer from an overinflated sense of certainty. They KNOW they are right, they KNOW the other person is wrong, and they KNOW what the right outcome is. Usually, though, once we explore those things in more detail, reality is not quite so certain. There are gaps, inconsistencies, improbabilities, wishful thinking… lots […]

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: On Being Certain by Robert A. Burton Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

I’m a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell’s books. He is skilled at presenting complex topics based on solid research in an accessible and engaging way. I’ve just finished reading his latest book “Talking to Strangers” and so much of it is relevant to how we engage in conflict. We tend to think we know others

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell Read More »