
Perspective taking in conflict

Anyone who works with people in conflict understands the transformative power of perspective taking in resolving conflicts.  In fact, a large part of the work of mediators and conflict management coaches involves supporting clients to see things from different perspectives. Perspective taking often results in: More information being disclosed Increased capacity to communicate in a […]

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WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Social Instinct by Nichola Raihani

I absolutely loved this book, and I couldn’t put it down! I love the author’s writing style and the content was truly fascinating. I read it on holidays and kept interrupting my partner’s relaxation time to share some new interesting information I discovered within the book! The book explains how cooperation is the secret of

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Social Instinct by Nichola Raihani Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Setting Relations Right in Restorative Practice by David B. Moore and Alikki Vernon

I was delighted to discover that David and Alikki had published this book on restorative practice. They are two of the leading academics and practitioners in the field and have combined their many years of experience to provide an accessible and much-needed overview of this field of practice. The book combines theory, research, and practice

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Setting Relations Right in Restorative Practice by David B. Moore and Alikki Vernon Read More »

The challenges in marketing conflict-related services

For many practitioners who complete their mediation or conflict coach training, the challenges have only just begun.  This can be a difficult field in which to establish yourself, market your business, and get clients.  Great mediation and coaching skills are essential, but not sufficient to build and sustain a business. There are some particular attributes

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WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Uncertain by Maggie Jackson

This book caught my attention, as one of the mindset shifts we work on in REAL Conflict Coaching is the shift from certainty to uncertainty. Jackson acknowledges the natural human tendency to want to avoid uncertainty. She explores the perils of certainty, explaining how our drive for knowledge and certainty actually reduces the very cognitive

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WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: How to Know a Person by David Brooks

The subtitle of this book is “The art of seeing others deeply and being deeply seen”. In many ways, this book is the result of a personal journey by the author, who recognised that he was living his life in a kind of detached way, without vulnerable emotional connections with others and who worked hard

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WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Shame: The politics and power of an emotion by David

Brené Brown made shame accessible in her work on shame and vulnerability, and this book continues the exploration of that emotion but in a slightly different way.  This book focuses on the harm that shame and shaming can do, and how shame is manipulated in social and political contexts.  It also considers the problem of

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Shame: The politics and power of an emotion by David Read More »

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

This book describes a fairly simple premise – that we often miss people’s hidden potential. It also provides some ideas for how to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential. Grant explains that high achievers often vary dramatically in their initial aptitude, so early success is not necessarily an indicator of later

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Hidden Potential by Adam Grant Read More »