

You will find useful articles on conflict-related topics.

Samantha Hardy

Intergenerational Conflict

What are generations? Generations are groupings of people based on their date of birth into time periods of about 15 years.  The five most recent generations are: The Silents / Traditionalists (born between around 1925-1945); The Baby Boomers (born between around 1946-1964); Generation X (born between around 1965-1979); Millennials / Gen Y (born between around

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Neuromyths by Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa

Those of you who know me well will no doubt be aware of my delight in some good myth busting! This book is full of myth-busting goodness, including myths about intelligence, brain architecture and structure, teaching and learning, human development, learning environments, mind-body balance, brain plasticity, memory, attention, and language. A neuromyth is an entertaining

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Samantha Hardy


Goal setting is a standard first step in most coaching models. However, goal setting is not always easy or even useful! In this article I will explore some of the potential downsides of goal setting and consider some possible alternatives. “Knowing how and when to set goals in coaching, knowing how to gauge the client’s readiness to

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Anxious by Joseph LeDoux

The author Joseph LeDoux is the world’s leading expert on fear and anxiety. This book is a follow up to his earlier book The Emotional Brain. In this book he critiques much of the historical work on fear (e.g. the role of the amygdala and the relationship between the physiological threat response and the feeling

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