

You will find useful articles on conflict-related topics.

Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Generations by Jean M. Twenge

“At a time when generational conflict – from work attitudes to cancel culture to “OK, Boomer” – is at a level not seen since the 1960s, separating the myths from the reality of generations is more important than ever.” Jean Twenge This book is absolutely fascinating. Twenge has collated data across many generations and then

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Trust by Henry Cloud

This new book by Dr Henry Cloud, clinical psychologist and leadership consultant, provides a good overview of trust – how it works, what’s required to have trust, how to develop trust and repair it when it is broken. Cloud explains that “we can become better and better at knowing who is trustworthy and who is

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Samantha Hardy

Trust between practitioner and client

What is trust? The word trust can be used as a noun (something you have) or a verb (something you do).  As a noun, trust can be defined as “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something” (Merriam-Webster) As a verb, trust can be defined as a belief that “someone

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Samantha Hardy

Intergenerational Conflict

What are generations? Generations are groupings of people based on their date of birth into time periods of about 15 years.  The five most recent generations are: The Silents / Traditionalists (born between around 1925-1945); The Baby Boomers (born between around 1946-1964); Generation X (born between around 1965-1979); Millennials / Gen Y (born between around

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