

You will find useful articles on conflict-related topics.

Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Art of Narrative by Frida C. Rundell

The author of this book is the founding professor of the International Institute for Restorative Practices. The book aims to provide practitioners in the field of restorative practices with an understanding of narrative practices based in post-modern narrative therapy. The book covers interventions such as externalising, positioning, unique moments, re-authoring and re-membering, listening circles, compassionate

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Samantha Hardy

Can a coach give advice to their clients?

This topic is a hot one for many people in the coaching field, but it’s also relevant for people who work in mediation and other conflict resolution processes. What do we mean by advice? Before we get into some possible answers to this question, it’s important to clarify exactly what we are talking about when

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Mediation Beyond Covid by Sarah M. Blake

Full disclosure up front, I am one of the contributors to this book! However, before it was published, I hadn’t read all the chapters written by the many other fascinating contributors. This book is so interesting, because it collects the experiences of a range of people involved in managing conflict in different countries and varying

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Samantha Hardy

Trauma informed practice in conflict resolution

What is trauma informed practice? There is a lot of talk at the moment about trauma, and the need for a broad range of practitioners to ensure that their practice is “trauma-informed”.  This includes anyone who works with people who may have experienced trauma, not just those who provide therapeutic services to survivors of trauma.  Having a

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