

You will find useful articles on conflict-related topics.

Samantha Hardy

Positive and negative emotions in conflict

When we think about the kinds of emotions people experience in conflict, we usually think of negative ones like anger or frustration, and how to minimise the harm that these emotions can have on engagement and resolution. However, as conflict practitioners we can also promote emotions that have a positive impact on conflict engagement and

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Psychology of Hope by C.R. Snyder

In this book Snyder introduces his theory of hope thinking. You may recall that Claire Holland and I discussed this in some detail in our recent conversation. There’s also a lesson on hope and conflict in our new Working With Emotions online course. The first three chapters of the book cover discovery, measuring and developing

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Samantha Hardy

Emotions people bring to conflict

When we are working with people in conflict, we know that there are emotions involved. However, did you know that there are many different kinds of emotions that people bring to their conflict interactions, and that each of these can be managed differently to best support constructive conflict engagement?  By different emotions, I don’t mean different

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Samantha Hardy

How emotions affect perception and attention in conflict

Emotions affect what we perceive, and they also help our brain determine what is most useful to pay attention to. Emotions draw our attention to certain things and away from others. Emotions can keep our attention focused or distract us from information that’s available to us. Emotions also affect how we interpret what we perceive

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Good Arguments by Bo Seo

The subtitle of the book is What the art of debating can teach us about listening better and disagreeing well. The author is Australia’s two-time world debating champion, and the book will certainly teach you a lot about how debating works, and how it compares with the kinds of disagreements we have in everyday life.

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