

You will find useful articles on conflict-related topics.

Samantha Hardy

Transformative mediation – separating the myth from the reality

Many mediators know about transformative mediation, but in my experience, not many mediators really understand it. I was certified as a transformative mediator in 2010 (Baruch Bush was my assessor) and was approved to teach transformative mediation by the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation (ISCT) a few years later. Since then, I have

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Samantha Hardy

Solid gold tips for staying on the cutting edge of ADR

On 21 March I spoke at the Australian Disputes Centre conference in Sydney.  This is what I spoke about.  Consider how conflict coaching might support your existing processes. We’ve each been asked today to share our solid gold tips and techniques for staying on the cutting edge of Australian ADR. I’m here as the past

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Samantha Hardy

Adapting our practice

This article was written by Samantha Hardy and Danielle Hutchinson, with significant contributions from Dan Berstein. Why adapt your practice? As I’ve discussed in a previous article, one size does not fit all.  We live in a diverse world  and we work with a diverse client base. We can do so much more to be

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