

You will find useful articles on conflict-related topics.

Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

This book describes a fairly simple premise – that we often miss people’s hidden potential. It also provides some ideas for how to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential. Grant explains that high achievers often vary dramatically in their initial aptitude, so early success is not necessarily an indicator of later

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Samantha Hardy

WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Right Kind of Wrong by Amy Edmondson

Amy Edmondson is best known for pioneering the concept of psychological safety. In her latest book, she explores the upsides of failure, and how to fail well (one condition to do this in an organisation is, not surprisingly, psychological safety). The book is in two parts – the first explores the concept of failure, and

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Samantha Hardy

CRITICAL REFLECTION: Is face-to-face better than online?

I’ve been asked a few times lately about the benefits of face-to-face versus online work with clients, and also whether it’s better to require clients to have their video cameras turned on when working online. Most people instinctively seem to prefer working with clients in person, and if working online, prefer everyone to have their

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