
On Demand

Webinars for everyone!

Whether you are an individual wanting to improve your personal conflict skills and confidence, a leader wanting to create a conflict positive workplace, or a conflict resolution practitioner wanting to develop your practice towards artistry, we have a webinar suitable for you.

Each webinar is AU$47+GST.
The 3-part webinars are AU$97+GST.

Available webinars

Working With Conflict Stories

We naturally create stories to help us make meaning of our world, but in conflict situations the kinds of stories we typically tell ourselves can actually make it harder for us to manage and resolve the conflict constructively. In this session you will learn about two typical types of conflict stories – one in which people are stuck and miserable, and another in which people develop resilience and choices. Most importantly, you will discover the six shifts that people who are trapped in a dysfunctional conflict story need to make in order to respond to conflict more constructively. You will leave the session with some simple coaching tools to help a client explore their conflict story and become the hero of their future.

Ten Top Tips for the New Practitioner

Whether you’re seeking guidance on navigating the conflict resolution industry, setting up a new practice, or developing your existing business, this webinar is for you. We’ll be revealing ten top tips that are crucial for your success—insights that go beyond the classroom and delve into the practical aspects of building a thriving practice. Topics include navigating the complexities of setting up your practice, mastering the art of client acquisition, marketing your services, and more!

Pre-Mediation Coaching

People in conflict need to be given the opportunity to properly prepare for mediation. To be truly effective, this means much more than providing them with information and a few questions to consider before the process starts. For mediation to achieve meaningful and lasting results, parties need to enter into the process with a constructive conflict mindset. Find out how pre-mediation coaching can significantly improve the outcomes of mediation, far beyond simply getting an agreement, by supporting the people involved to think about the conflict differently, and to embrace their role in a more peaceful future.

Working With Emotions in Conflict 
(3 Part Webinar Series)

These three webinars provide you with a strong foundation for working with emotions in conflict. The first part reviews recent emotions research and bust some common myths about how emotions work. The second part explores how emotions impact on important processes in conflict, including perception and attention, memory, information processing and decision making. Part three covers emotion regulation and expression. You will learn how we can regulate our emotions, individually or with the support of others and discover a range of strategies for emotional regulation. You'll also explore why and how we express emotions, and identify the factors that determine whether an emotional expression is beneficial.

Understanding Anger in Conflict

When I ask people which emotion they find most challenging to work with in conflict situations, they almost always say anger. Part of the reason that people struggle with anger is that they don’t really understand it well – why and how it arises, how it tends to impact on behaviour, and how we can actually work WITH it, rather than against it, to promote constructive conflict engagement. That’s what this webinar is all about! Explore the emotion of anger, why it arises and how it typically impacts on conflict. Take away tools and strategies to better manage anger in conflict situations.

The Practitioner's Emotions in Conflict

Along with the people involved in conflict, the practitioners supporting them also experience emotions before, during and after any interactions. The practitioners’ emotions may have an impact (positive or negative) on the clients, and the reverse is also true – the clients’ emotions may have an impact (positive or negative) on the practitioner. Discover the importance of the practitioner’s own emotions, and some techniques to work with them to support the work that you do and your own wellbeing.

Understanding Crying in Conflict

Crying. We’ve all done it at least sometime in our lives. It’s surprisingly common in conflict situations. For practitioners who work with people in conflict, it’s often one of the situations in which we have to decide how we should respond. Someone is crying in front of us. What are our choices? In this webinar, you will learn all about how and why adults cry, and in what circumstances different interventions might be helpful.

Intertemporal Choice in Conflict

An intertemporal choice is one in which our decision has different consequences as time unfolds. This may be that a short term gain leads to longer term downsides, or vice versa. Many of the choices we have to make in conflict situations are intertemporal ones. For example, we may avoid the conflict now so we don’t have to face the other person, but in the long term this just makes the conflict worse. In this webinar you will explore examples of intertemporal choice in conflict and how we can help people consider both the short and long term before making their decision.

Leading Through Conflict

It’s easy to lead when everything’s going smoothly. The real test for a leader is how they respond to conflict. In this webinar you will explore what exceptional leaders do to lead their team through conflict, and to make it a positive, learning experience.

How Do We Know What Someone Else Is Feeling?

Definitions of emotional intelligence frequently include the ability to accurately recognise others’ emotions. Recent research, however, has demonstrated that we can never know for sure what another person is feeling. We also frequently pay attention to the wrong cues, and miss signals that can improve our prediction of another’s feelings. Learn more about how we attempt to understand another person’s emotions, and how we can improve our ability to do so.

Menopause and Conflict

Transform your understanding of this significant stage of life and its impact on professional dynamics. As a growing number of working women venture into this uncharted territory, we need to have important conversations about the challenges that women experiencing menopause face in the workplace, and to learn about strategies to ensure that those women, their colleagues and their organisations do not suffer unnecessarily due to ignorance. Conflict specialist Carol Bowen will unravel the intricate links between menopause and conflict, shedding light on the physiological, psychological, and emotional changes that occur during menopause. Discover the influence of fluctuating hormones and their potential impact on productivity, communication and conflict in the workplace. Discover practical strategies for women and their employers to navigate the challenges and conflicts that may arise during the menopausal transition.

What Does It Mean to Have a Constructive Conflict Mindset?

In order to manage conflict effectively, and hopefully resolve it, we need certain skills such as listening and the ability to take other people's perspectives. However, what makes us able to use those skills is our mindset. If we do not have a constructive conflict mindset, no amount of skills training is going to be effective. In this webinar you will learn the elements of a constructive conflict mindset and how to develop it, so that people can engage in conflict constructively.

Transformative Approaches to Conflict

Transformative mediation is an approach to managing conflict that many people have heard about, but that is frequently misunderstood. In this webinar we explore the transformative approach to conflict and examine how transformative mediation works in practice. We consider the purpose and the interventions that are used, and why they are different from what happens in facilitative mediation.

Neurodiversity and Conflict

Are you fascinated by the intricate workings of the human mind during conflict? Do you believe that embracing diversity and harnessing unique perspectives can pave the way for innovative solutions? If so, join conflict specialist and neuroinclusive practitioner Danielle Hutchinson in an enlightening session that will explore how individuals with divergent cognitive, sensory, and social abilities often experience conflict, and how practitioners can harness this uniqueness to support effective conflict management and resolution. The session will include references to the most current research, engaging case studies, and will provide you with practical strategies for ensuring that your practice is neuroinclusive.

Intergenerational Conflict

At a time when generational conflict, from work attitudes to cancel culture to “OK, Boomer” is at a level not seen since the 1960s, separating the myths from the reality of generations is more important than ever (Jean Twenge, Generations, 2023). In this webinar you will explore the influences on the different generations that may impact on how they engage in conflict, discover the typical themes that emerge in intergenerational conflict, and take away some tips to harness the benefits of diverse generations while minimising the risk of unhelpful conflict.

Intuition in Conflict Resolution

Unlock the power of intuition in coaching and mediation. Discover how harnessing your innate wisdom can elevate your skills. Develop the ability to identify opportunities for intuition, and learn a range of strategies for using your intuition effectively, allowing you to navigate complex situations with confidence and insight.

Creativity and Conflict

This is an edited version of a live workshop on using creativity to reflect on conflict. The webinar is an invitation to intentionally experiment with and apply your creativity to reflect on conflict. Gain new insights into your conflict by using creative techniques such as imagery, artefacts and storytelling.

Ensuring Your Conflict Practice Is Trauma-Informed

Providing people with a safe space to hear and be heard are cornerstones of effective conflict resolution. Therefore, trauma-informed practice is essential. Learn how to work with clients with curiosity and develop insight into the profound impact of trauma on individuals and communities. Gain an understanding of how trauma shapes perceptions, reactions, and interactions during conflict. Discover how to ensure that your practice is trauma-informed so that you can provide a safe and supportive service.

Using Conflict Coaching to Support Mediation...and More!

The use of conflict coaching is increasing in a range of contexts, particularly in workplace conflict. There is, however, considerable scope to develop the use of conflict coaching in other contexts, and for mediators to add coaching knowledge and skills to their practice. In this webinar you will develop an understanding of conflict coaching and how it compares to other processes, particularly in relation to the role of the coach and the kinds of interventions used. You will also consider the benefits of using coaching before, during and after mediation to enhance mediation outcomes.

Encouraging Curiosity in Conflict (Part 1)

In conflict, curiosity is essential! Conflict resolution practitioners are usually well trained in asking curious questions. However, while curious practitioners are terrific, it’s even better if we can encourage the clients we work with to become curious about (1) the other person; (2) the conflict; and (3) themselves. If we are going to support clients to become curious, we need to understand what makes people curious, how curiosity works, and what conditions promote or impede it. In this first part of the Curiosity Webinar Series we explore the fundamentals of curiosity. In part 2 we look in more detail at how to use what we know about curiosity in a conflict support role.

Encouraging Perspective Taking in Conflict

Delve into the transformative power of perspective taking in resolving conflicts. In a world where diverse opinions and competing interests are inevitable, the ability to empathize and understand different viewpoints is a crucial skill. Explore how perspective taking works, examine its limitations, and discover practical strategies and insightful techniques that will empower you to support your clients to be able to see things from different perspectives for increased understanding.

Beyond Resolution: A Planned Approach to Conflict Engagement

Have you ever faced conflicts that are much more difficult to resolve than others and need a different approach beyond traditional conflict resolution efforts? In this session, you will be introduced to a planned approach to conflict engagement (PACE framework) as a distinct approach to dealing with enduring conflicts. You will learn about what makes some conflicts ongoing and resistant to resolution – we call these conflicts “enduring”. You will leave the session with knowledge of some practical tools to help clients, or yourself, more effectively manage enduring conflicts. These practical tools focus on turning avoidance into engagement; developing constructive conflict narratives; awareness of effective communication strategies; how to use agreements, power, and escalation wisely; and, developing a sustainable engagement approach.

Rebuilding Trust in Conflict

Trust and its counterpart distrust are at the heart of every human interaction and every conflict. Join us to explore the complexities of trust, and why we trust some people but remain wary of others. Discover how we make decisions to trust or not to trust someone. Learn practical tools to support clients to navigate conflict when trust has been broken, and to rebuild trust to foster constructive interactions.

Inclusive Practice

This webinar is designed exclusively for conflict resolution practitioners, focusing on creating an inclusive client experience from start to finish. Learn how to design your services to be accessible to all by incorporating flexibility, offering tailored suggestions, and accommodating diverse needs without requiring justification. Discover practical strategies and examples to seamlessly integrate these accommodations into your normal processes, ensuring every client feels valued and understood.

Finding your voice: Authentic and confident speaking in person and online

Are you considering making video content for social media? Or presenting webinars or training sessions for clients? Perhaps doing some keynote speeches or presentations? As well as having great content, it’s essential that you understand your personal style of speech and embrace it to make the most impact & connect with audiences (big, small or online). In this webinar, Suzanne Waldron and Mo Macrae will share with you strategies to better understand your public speaking style, as well as tricks to enhance it. Leave this session ready to be clearer and more engaging when you speak, and also prepared to prevent nerves getting the better of you.

A New Approach to Mediating Bullying Complaints

The appropriateness of mediating where workplace bullying practices have been alleged has long been debated. In this webinar Narrative Mediator Debbie Dunn shares her many years experience where the narrative approach has successfully led to some surprising outcomes where a complaint of bullying has been made.

Who gets the pets?
Navigating conflict over pets.

Join us for an insightful webinar tailored for family mediators in Australia, featuring an experienced dog behaviourist and mediator. This session will delve into the complexities of pet custody mediation, offering practical strategies to ensure the best interests of pets during family disputes. Learn how to navigate the emotional landscape of pet custody with empathy and expertise.

Rebranding Conflict: Marketing Strategies for Conflict Resolution Practitioners

Join us for an enlightening webinar where we delve into the groundbreaking research of Emily K. Skinner. This session explores the intersection of marketing and conflict resolution, revealing how traditional perceptions of conflict as negative can be transformed through strategic branding and communication.

“Top Tips I Wish I Had Known When I Started Mediating” A Masterclass for Aspiring Mediators

Are you just starting out in the world of mediation, or looking to refine your skills? Join us for an insightful webinar where we explore the top tips that every emerging mediator wishes they had known when they first began. Whether you’re navigating tricky client dynamics, mastering negotiation techniques, or simply trying to find your confidence in the mediation room, this webinar will provide you with practical advice to sharpen your skills and set you on the path to success!

Mediations Beyond Borders: Witchcraft, Adultery and Other Practices

Mediating beyond our local borders can sometimes be a very different experience to how we mediate in our own country and culture. In this webinar, a group of experienced mediators who have worked in diverse cross-cultural settings will share their insights and lessons learned from these environments. Some of these experiences include being asked to help mediate conflicts around witchcraft in remote villages of the Central African Republic, and adultery in a refugee camp on the Thailand-Myanmar border.

Effective Strategies for Mediators Working with Lawyers in Mediation

Join us for an insightful and practical webinar designed specifically for mediators who find themselves navigating the complexities of working with lawyers representing parties in mediation. This session will equip you with the essential tools and techniques to foster collaboration, manage expectations, and enhance the mediation process.

Explaining and Being Impartial

Professor Stokoe has conducted some fascinating research using conversation analysis of initial calls to mediation services. Perhaps unexpectedly, the research found that using words like ‘voluntary’ and ‘impartial’ to describe the mediation process, were not helpful. She will explain how instead, using a technique that described the mediation process itself, with fluency and without hesitation whilst giving focus to a future solution, drove higher rates of engagement. ‘Being impartial’, was more critical than explaining it. This webinar will provide participants with practical tips on getting your language right to engage prospective clients with your services.

Confidentiality When Perceived Threat to Human Life or Safety

You are mediating what starts out to appear as a typical workplace conflict. But as the mediation progresses, you are increasingly concerned by the behaviour of one of the parties. Things get worse as the mediation continues. The mediation ends, but you can’t sleep that night. What if the worst case scenario happens? Are lives in danger? Is confidentiality more important than your concerns? Should you raise your concerns with the Manager who referred the case? Should you raise your concerns directly with the employer? In this session you will explore the principle of confidentiality and debate under which circumstances confidentiality may be breached. You will also discuss the concept of “Perceived threat to human life or safety” and how you would determine whether your concerns are justified or not. You will be presented with a few twists in the story to demonstrated how the context may impact your decision.

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Build your competence and confidence to manage conflict

Conflict management skills are essential in a complex world, in our personal relationships, in the workplace and in our communities. Ensure that you have the knowledge and the skills that you need to work towards a peaceful future.