
WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Neuroscience, Psychology and Conflict Management by Judith Rafferty

This book is a wealth of information and resources about how our brains work in conflict and how to work with them during conflict management and resolution. It includes well-researched and accessible content, as well as links to videos and other useful resources. The book introduces readers to foundational concepts in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, personality psychology and social psychology to help explain why conflict occurs, how it develops and how it may be managed and/or resolved.

Chapter 1 introduces the human brain and the biological basis for behaviour and you will consider how this knowledge may help explain the behaviours of people in conflict and conflict resolution processes. Chapters 2 and 3 explore the mind and consider its cognitive and emotional dimensions and how these relate to the experience of conflict. Chapter 4 zooms out to explore “the person” and approaches to understanding individual differences to personality and how these may play out in conflict and conflict resolution. Chapter 5 zooms out even further to consider individuals in interactions and relationships with others, with a focus on social influence. You will also learn about social psychology insights into interactions between groups and group dynamics to explain social conflict.

The book is available FREE online and as a downloadable pdf.


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