
WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Says who? A kinder, funner usage guide for everyone who cares about words by Anne Curzan

To be clear at the outset, this isn’t a book about conflict, at least not in the sense that I am usually discussing. However, it is a book about conflict about language and how we use it.  And as language is one of our primary tools in conflict and how we manage it, you could say it’s relevant in a broader sense as well.

Anyone who follows me on social media knows I love words!  And anyone who’s ever worked with me also knows I’m a little uptight about punctuation and grammar (I actually used to teach a course called Punctuation and Grammar for Lawyers to law firms around the country).  I also did a major in linguistics in my arts degree.

I knew this book was for me, when I read that it was designed to “jump-start the conversations between your inner grammando and your inner wordie”.  When I read that phrase I felt so seen! 

This book is full of what the author calls “word nerdery”, including fun facts about the history of words, about how English grammar works, and how about language varies across speakers and has changed over time.

Ever felt confused about the use of they as a singular pronoun?  Unsure when to use less or fewer? Don’t know whether teeth the only things that can be impacted?  Well this book is for you!

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