
Conflict Resolution

Perspective taking in conflict

Anyone who works with people in conflict understands the transformative power of perspective taking in resolving conflicts.  In fact, a large part of the work of mediators and conflict management coaches involves supporting clients to see things from different perspectives. Perspective taking often results in: More information being disclosed Increased capacity to communicate in a

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The challenges in marketing conflict-related services

For many practitioners who complete their mediation or conflict coach training, the challenges have only just begun.  This can be a difficult field in which to establish yourself, market your business, and get clients.  Great mediation and coaching skills are essential, but not sufficient to build and sustain a business. There are some particular attributes

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CRITICAL REFLECTION: Is face-to-face better than online?

I’ve been asked a few times lately about the benefits of face-to-face versus online work with clients, and also whether it’s better to require clients to have their video cameras turned on when working online. Most people instinctively seem to prefer working with clients in person, and if working online, prefer everyone to have their

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