
WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: The Influential Mind by Tali Sharot

This book is all about how we influence others, and how other people influence us. It is full of fascinating information, case studies and practical strategies. The chapters cover how our existing information impacts on our willingness to change our minds, the role of emotion, incentives and curiosity, the double-edged sword of agency, the impact of threat, social learning and the (debatable) wisdom of crowds.

Sharot explores what causes people to change their decisions, update their beliefs, and rewrite their memories. She reveals the systematic mistakes we make when we attempt to change minds, as well as illuminating what occurs during those instances in which we succeed.

This book, while not specifically directed to people in conflict, is effectively all about the kinds of processes we use in conflict and conflict resolution. People in conflict try to change each other’s minds, and practitioners such as mediators try to support people to change their minds so they can find better outcomes.

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