
Discover what transformative mediation is all about. Separate the myths from the reality. Learn about the transformative theory of conflict and self-determination theory. Explore the three main practices of a transformative mediator. Examine how a transformative mediator would handle individual sessions, the mediator's opening, power imbalances and challenging behaviour. Discover the answers to some common questions about transformative mediation.


AU$297 (approx US$194)

Course Content

The transformative theory of conflict

Learn about the philosophical basis of transformative mediation, including self-determination theory, and how it guides everything a transformative mediator does in practice.

Transformative mediator practices

Discover the three main transformative mediation practices: reflection, summary and check-ins, and practice those skills using a transformative mediation role play.

Process matters

Explore how transformative mediators manage individual conversations (before and during the mediation), the mediator's opening, shuttle mediation, and how they work with support people and lawyers in a mediation.

Common misconceptions

There are many misconceptions about transformative mediation (for example, that it's only useful for very emotional relationship matters) which we myth-bust in this section of the course.

Common questions

We address some of the common question asked about transformative mediation, including whether transformative mediators ask questions, how much time a transformative mediation takes, how transformative mediators manage power imbalances, and how parties typically respond to transformative interventions.

Bringing transformative philosophy into your practice

You might wish to maintain your current mediation framework, instead of fully adopting the transformative approach, at least for now. In this part of the course we explore how you can bring transformative philosophy into your existing practice.

Downloadable workbook

The course comes with a downloadable workbook with over 50 pages of content and activities for you to complete as you go through the course.

About your trainer - Tara West JD PhD

Tara West is the author of The Mediator’s Approach: Five (and a Half) Paths Through Conflict (2021) and co-author of Self-Determination in Mediation: The Art and Science of Mirrors and Lights (2022). 

She is a Fellow with the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, certified transformative mediator, and conflict coach. 

Tara has studied facilitative, evaluative, understanding-based, and transformative approaches to mediation, and has taught and developed undergraduate and graduate psychology courses covering such topics as socio-cultural approaches to psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, group processes, and the psychology of conflict resolution. 

Tara earned a PhD in Social and Health Psychology from Stony Brook University and a JD from the New York University School of Law.

What people are saying

Discover transformative mediation

Develop the capacity to support people in conflict to become empowered and recognise each other's perspectives.

AU$297+GST (approx US$194)