
WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Selling the Invisible: A field guide to modern marketing by Harry Beckwithx

This New York Times bestseller is not new – it was first published in 1997 and updated in 2012.  But this short and to the point book on marketing services is essential reading for anyone working on developing a conflict-related services practice.   It provides a clear distinction between approaches to marketing a product, and what is useful when marketing a service.

Many of the challenges in marketing a service are magnified in a business around conflict-related services, as these are still not well understood by the average consumer. They are also services that people may find useful at a time when they are at their most vulnerable; they are not routine repeat services like getting your tax return done each year.

The book is an easy to read collection of snippets of advice. You can dip in and out of this book when you have a spare five minutes and find something to apply to your business. 

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